Sovereign Hill

Sovereign Hill was an amazing camp. It was so great to experience what life was like in the Gold Rush era. I loved it! 

One of the positive learner attributes I used throughout Sovereign Hill was imagination. When we were dressed up in our olden day costume we really had to step into character and act as a child living in the late 1800’s. Children were meant to be seen, and not heard, and girls had to stand with their hands clasped infront of their cloaks, and boys had to stand with their hands together infront or behind their backs. I thought that it was very unfair and very strict!

The teacher randomly chose students to stand up and answer her questions. I had to show courage and stand up, even when i wasn’t sure what the answer was.

Really when I think about it, i actually used all the positive learner attributes during my camp!

I loved dressing up and wearing the olden day costume, and I loved having my hair plaited each day by my teachers. But I didn’t like the pantalets because they let a lot of cold air through, and if I could have worn 2 pairs of tracksuit pants, I would have! It was freezing!

The main thing that I learnt from the past was that life was really hard and difficult. People didn’t have much and lived in very poor conditions and slept in tents. Only a few people, such as those in Government, were rich and lived in houses. 

I enjoyed the school program. I liked learning how to write in copper plate handwriting with a pen and ink. It was really fun!

I thought it was interesting how the schools turned into a church on the weekends. Everyone went to church on Sundays, and always wore their best outfit. 

The Aura light show was fascinating, but hard to believe. I had never really thought about how the world began. I certainly didn’t think it started by a flash of light! 

Sovereign Hill was a great experience, and I feel like I’ve learnt so much about our history. I loved getting into character and attending the school to feel exactly what it would have been like to be a child in the Gold Rush era. I really recommend a visit to Sovereign Hill with your family and friends.

Would you be interested in visiting Sovereign Hill?